The Bellevue Patient's Guide to Sleep Apnea

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder that prompts patients to stop breathing several times throughout the night. This is caused by a blockage in the airway, constricting the amount of oxygen that travels to the brain.

During these sleep apnea episodes, the brain signals your body to wake up and gasp for air. This can happen up to 30 times each hour while sleeping. Most patients don’t typically remember these episodes the following morning. They do, however, often feel extremely exhausted and irritable. 

Obstructive sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder. If left untreated, it can cause serious physical and mental health issues and interfere with your quality of life. Fortunately, effective treatment options are available. Seeing a dentist is often the first step to sleep apnea treatment, so if you’re struggling, Dr. Doneskey will be happy to meet with you and discuss your options. 

normal airway vs obstructive sleep apnea
woman covering her ears with pillow because of snoring partner

Sleep Apnea Symptoms and Causes

The most common symptoms of sleep apnea are excessive snoring and gasping for air throughout the night. Further sleep apnea signs to look out for are:

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Reduced libido
  • Morning headaches
  • Irritability
  • Impaired memory
  • Lack of energy
  • Decreased motivation

Sleep apnea is often caused by a person’s physical structure or medical conditions. Neuromuscular disorders, heart or kidney failure, obesity, large tonsils, and genetic conditions are all possible contributing factors.

If you’re experiencing any sleep apnea symptoms, it’s important not to worry. During your consultation with Dr. Doneskey, he’ll review your signs and symptoms and determine with you, if a home sleep study is indicated.

Once you’ve been diagnosed, your sleep apnea dentist will discuss your treatment options and help determine the best solution for your condition. To get started, give us a call at (425) 646-6409 to speak to a friendly staff member.

The SilentPartner™ Treatment

As the region’s leading Oral Medicine Specialist, Dr. Doneskey provides the highest quality of care to patients suffering from sleep apnea, snoring, and TMJ pain.

Our Bellevue sleep specialist developed an FDA-cleared, oral sleep device known as the SilentPartner Treatment. It’s custom-designed to manage snoring and obstructive sleep apnea in a convenient and simple approach compared to other oral appliances. Best of all, SilentPartner Treatment provides patients with a more comfortable alternative to CPAP therapy.

picture of a SilentPartner mouthpiece

Frequently Asked Questions

What increases your risk of sleep apnea?
I snore. Do I suffer from sleep apnea?
Can sleep apnea go away without treatment?
Are there alternative ways to treat sleep apnea?
What increases your risk of sleep apnea?

There are several hereditary characteristics that may increase your risk of developing sleep apnea. Certain factors may include narrow airways, family history, nasal congestion, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Unfortunately, sleep apnea can also be developed as a result of unhealthy habits, like excessive tobacco use, alcohol consumption, poor weight management, and lack of exercise.

I snore. Do I suffer from sleep apnea?

Loud snoring is a common symptom of sleep apnea, but not everyone who snores suffers from the sleep disorder. Snoring can occur for a number of reasons, such as age, medication, alcohol consumption, or sleep position. It’s best to schedule a consultation with Dr. Doneskey so he can assess your symptoms and determine with you, if a sleep study is necessary.

Can sleep apnea go away without treatment?

Unfortunately, sleep apnea will not disappear if you choose to ignore it. It’s a serious sleep disorder that can lead to further, possibly detrimental health consequences if neglected. Untreated sleep apnea has been connected to high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, depression, diabetes, and more. 

That’s why it’s crucial to seek treatment immediately after getting diagnosed with sleep apnea. Once you’ve been diagnosed, Dr. Doneskey will work closely with you to help determine the best solution for your condition.

Are there alternative ways to treat sleep apnea?

Making certain lifestyle changes can significantly reduce sleep apnea symptoms when combined with regular CPAP use or oral appliance therapy. Natural remedies to help treat sleep apnea include losing weight, regular exercise, limiting alcohol consumption, avoiding tobacco use, and positional therapy. It’s important to remember that making certain changes will not cure sleep apnea, but rather increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Get a Better Night’s Rest Today

If you think you’re suffering from sleep apnea, there’s good news. Sleep apnea can be completely manageable with a proper diagnosis and the right treatment. As a sleep apnea specialist, Dr. Donesky can help you achieve a good night’s rest again.

To schedule your consultation, contact our Bellevue, WA office at (425) 646-6409 or fill out a convenient contact form. We look forward to helping you get the full night’s sleep you deserve.
